If you have the means, buying Starseed Boosters will make all of the methods in this guide much more efficient, so we have to mention them. The basic booster is a 20% boost for 30 days, costing 800 Lumina (~$8USD), and the advanced booster is a 40% boost for 30 days, costing 1500 Lumina (~$15). The two effects stack, giving a bonus of 60% more star seed for 30 days for the price of 2300 Lumina ($23). For comparison, that’s more than the monthly subscription price of either World of Warcraft or Final Fantasy XIV, and two months of buying both boosts will be comparable in price to the one-time purchase price of Guild Wars 2 with all expansions. But if you are committed to Cheap Bless Unleashed Star Seeds, this will maximize the efficiency of your Star Seed farming.
In my personal experience I tried Bless Online which started on PC back in 2018. The guild I was in was hyped up for it. I fell flat on the game weeks in and left. I was disappointed that capturing pets, which drew me to the game in the first place, cost a lot to capture your second pet as well as level them up. Then in early 2020 a slightly different version of “Bless” was released on consoles, first exclusively on Xbox in March of 2020. I gave this variant of the game a try and played several weeks before falling out of it as well. Mainly because no one I knew played and I had so many other MMO choices and objectives to fulfill in those MMOs. Nevertheless, I enjoyed my time in Bless Unleashed PC Star Seeds For Sale for Xbox for the most part.