The procedure for writing an essay usually boils down to three steps. Like any written work, an essay contains an introductory section or killer papers.
A well-written introduction makes the reader interested and read the essay to the end. The introductory part may contain the formulation of the problem and its essence, a rhetorical question, a quote, etc. It is important to create a special emotional mood and bring the reader to the problem in question.
In the main part you can give different points of view on the problem at hand, touching on the history of the issue.
Usually the main part consists of several sub-paragraphs, each of which consists of three sections: the thesis (provable judgement), justification (arguments used to prove the thesis), subconclusion (a partial answer to the main question).
Arguments are judgments made in order to convince the reader of the truth of a certain point of view. They can be various situations from life, opinions of scientists, evidence, etc.
Argumentation can be constructed in the following sequence:
Final judgment.
The conclusion brings together all the conclusions drawn for each thesis presented in the main body. The reader must come to a logical conclusion based on the arguments presented. The conclusion restates the problem and draws a final conclusion.
If the purpose of the introduction is to interest the reader, the purpose of the last sentences is to add integrity to the overall picture, to leave the work in the reader's mind, and to prompt reflection.